DT News - UK - Software of Excellence starts Good to Great Challenge

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Software of Excellence starts Good to Great Challenge

Over the course of 12 months, participants are guided through the challenge towards business success with the help of a dedicated SOE consultant. (Photograph: SOE)

Tue. 16 May 2017


BIRMINGHAM, UK: With its solutions, Software of Excellence (SOE) has been helping thousands of dentists around the UK to manage and improve their practices. In order to help them to advance their business performance, the company has recently started the Good to Great Challenge, which is open to dental professionals throughout the country.

Based on the analysis of data collected from 1,500 practices, the new programme is intended to target key areas, such as financial growth and patient satisfaction, and provide guidance and support for benchmarking and improving performance. According to the company, it is specifically designed for practice owners and managers who are passionate about maximising the potential of their businesses. Over the course of 12 months, participants are guided through the challenge towards business success with the help of a dedicated SOE consultant. Among other things, participants will learn how to boost chair time utilisation and increase hourly earnings and treatment uptake, as well as how to effectively promote their services to prospective patients, the company said.

“We are now 5 weeks in and already seeing a pickup in treatment plan acceptance, appointment book filling and referral management,” said practice manager Anne Eyles from Square Advanced Dental Care in Hale Barns in Manchester in the UK. “Over the next 12 months with the help of my customer success consultant I hope to see at least a 10% increase in turnover, 95% occupancy and 100% communication.”

More stories about practices already involved in the challenge can be read on a dedicated website, www.g2gchallenge.com. There, interested dental professionals can also find more information on the programme and how to register.

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