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Composite mock-up & design software assistito

V. Bini

V. Bini

Wed. 28 October 2015


L’estetica in odontoiatria richiede sempre più attenzione non solo sull’operatività e il workflow digitale, ma anche e soprattutto riguardo ai materiali impiegati per la risoluzione dei casi clinici. L’attenzione dei pazienti è sempre più rivolta alla sensibilità estetica del professionista, al quale si rivolgono per ottenere il miglior risultato standard predicibile, che deve essere consono a un risultato clinico ottimale.

Questo è quanto prevede la metodologia Aesthetic Digital Smile Design (ADSD), filosofia secondo cui l’analisi dettagliata del sorriso e il suo progetto – indispensabili per formulare la diagnosi clinico-estetica – sono parte fondamentale del delicato approccio al paziente, protagonista dell’odontoiatria estetica a cui si rivolge.
Il protocollo ADSD vuole essere una previsualizzazione per il paziente (Aesthetic Virtual Planning) e un’impostazione progettuale per il team odontoiatrico, con particolare riguardo alla figura dell’odontotecnico (Face Aesthetic Medical Team).

Caso clinico
Interpretare i desideri dei nostri pazienti comporta sicuramente un “mandato psicologico” al quale il dentista non può più sottrarsi; fin dal primo momento è necessario instaurare un rapporto basato su molteplici fattori affidati sicuramente al know how clinico dell’operatore e alla propria arte e percezione visiva. Quest’ultima deve essere immediatamente disponibile attraverso l’uso dell’immagine importata tramite la fotografia ed elaborata grazie alla sempre più tecnologica implementazione con la fase più propriamente clinica. Parlare di immagine fedele alla clinica degli elementi ritratti significa cercare di usare la “percezione visiva tridimensionale”, anche quando l’elaborazione dell’immagine può esplicarsi solo attraverso la mono o bidimensione.
ADSD, infatti, si affida, per il Digital Dental Image Editing (Fig. 1), al software del “fotoritocco” per antonomasia, cioè Adobe® Photoshop® CC; l’uso di questo bellissimo mezzo informatico permette al clinico di trasformarsi in uno smile designer, utilizzando questo come un vero strumento adatto a professare l’odontoiatria estetica.


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Align Technology launches new online campus

Align Technology Campus offers specialised live and on-demand webinars on topics such as clear aligner therapy, dental technology and clinical practice. (Image: Sorapop Udomsri/Shutterstock; Dental Tribune International)

Tue. 16 April 2024


Seeking to elevate the standard of care in dentistry by equipping dental professionals with the latest tools and knowledge in dentistry, Align Technology has recently launched the Align Technology Campus. Serving as a unique e-learning platform for dental professionals, the campus offers a wide range of educational content in various languages, including English, German and French, and provides the opportunity to earn valuable continuing education credits free of charge. Dental Tribune International discussed more details about the launch in an interview with Lee Taylor, vice president of marketing for the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Align Technology.

Mr Taylor, can you elaborate on the primary motivation and goals behind launching the Align Technology Campus platform, particularly in relation to its impact on aligner therapy and dental education?
Our primary motivation behind launching the Align Technology Campus is to advance practice digitisation, dental education and the adoption of clear aligner therapy. The platform aims to provide general dentists and orthodontists with a centralised hub, giving them access to the latest knowledge, tools and insights related to the Align Digital Platform suite of proprietary technologies and services. The overarching goal is to elevate the standard of care by empowering dental practitioners, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

Lee Taylor, vice president of marketing for the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Align Technology. (Image: Align Technology)

How important is online education for your company in general?
Education in all forms is of significant importance to Align. Online education specifically allows for widespread accessibility, overcoming geographical barriers. This approach enables dental professionals globally to engage with high-quality educational content at their convenience, fostering continuous learning and professional development. We support dental professionals at every stage of their journey to facilitate the development of new skills or to enhance existing ones, allowing them to learn online at their own pace.

What features does the new platform offer to enhance learning and professional development?
The new Align Technology Campus platform offers interactive and immersive features such as live and recorded webinars, on-demand courses and videos on various topics and in several languages, all in one place. These elements enhance the learning experience, facilitating real-time engagement with specialists and allowing viewers to discuss the various cases presented. Content will be accessible not only to existing Align customers but also to non-customers, allowing them to learn about techniques and advancements in the field.

How many webinars will become available in the upcoming months for interested dental professionals?
While the exact number of upcoming webinars may vary market by market, we have curated a series of 20 webinars planned to be available in the UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Italy. Our commitment is to regularly update the platform with a diverse range of webinars, covering various aspects of aligner therapy, emerging technologies and best clinical practice. This ensures a dynamic and evolving educational experience for our audiences.

How do you believe the range of topics presented on the platform will influence the daily practice of dental professionals, especially in terms of adopting new technologies and treatment methods?
The platform covers a wide spectrum of topics to help dental professionals deliver exceptional clinical outcomes, understand opportunities for practice growth and improved efficiency, and deliver an elevated patient experience. The diverse content is designed to inspire dental professionals to stay at the forefront of their field, and it encourages the adoption of new technologies and the refinement of treatment approaches.

The Invisalign and iTero webinars aim to empower dental professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to enhance their daily practice, ultimately improving patient care and satisfaction.

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