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Post-hygiene whitening for everyone

(Photographs courtesy of Drs Chiara Lorenzi & Annamaria Genovesi, Italy)
Drs Chiara Lorenzi & Annamaria Genovesi, Italy

Drs Chiara Lorenzi & Annamaria Genovesi, Italy

Thu. 26 January 2017


It is often amazing to see how a slightly different shade of colour can brighten up a smile and the entire countenance of patients who decide to undergo whitening treatment. While, on the one hand, European regulations have introduced new restrictions on the use of peroxide and limited it to use by dental professionals only, on the other hand, cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular. The number of patients wishing to improve their smile is growing, including those who, up to now, were not deemed suitable for whitening treatments.

Changes in lifestyle, less free time and a higher average age have resulted in more cases of receding gingivae and fillings or restorations that do not change colour with a simple whitening treatment. These require specific treatments, which the patient may not be willing to go through. Consequently, manufacturers are seeking to satisfy customers’ needs while complying with the new legal requirements by introducing products that are less aggressive than commonly used solutions and suitable to all needs.

Case report
A 34-year-old male patient presented to our practice. Although he smoked two cigarettes per day, he was in overall good systemic health and showed no dental symptomatology. The visit was originally scheduled for periodic hygiene, but as it is often the case, we were also asked to improve enamel colour for a brighter smile.
During the clinical examination, we noticed minor recessions and abrasions that would not be treated during whitening. We then proceeded with the routine hygiene session. At the end, we presented to the client different kinds of whitening treatments in order to agree with him on which was the most suitable in his case.

We finally chose the BlancOne CLICK (IDS) whitener owing to its unique characteristics. The solution contains 16% carbamide peroxide (hydrogen peroxide < 6%) and allows fast, painless whitening without the need for placing gingival barriers. The whitening can be carried out after the dental hygiene session, thus reducing time and cost for both the office and the patient. Owing to the lower percentage of peroxide used, we were confident that the treatment would be gentle on the tooth surfaces, thereby avoiding unpleasant hypersensitivity effects.

Another important characteristic of a whitener is the ability to brighten the smile without altering harmony of the dental traits. BlancOne CLICK has shown a whitening capacity of four to five shades, creating a limited gradient with reference to recessions, fillings and restorations.

After positioning the retractor to improve visibility, we determined the initial shade by comparing the teeth with the VITA classical shades (VITA Zahnfabrik) and detected Shade A2. We then spread the mixed gel, which had become a deep-red colour, evenly on the facial surfaces, after which we positioned the BlancOne Arcus arc lamp (IDS) on the mouth so that the light beam was perpendicular to the surfaces and light-activated the product for 8 minutes. The gel expanded with the formation of plenty of bubbles from the release of oxygen in the chemical reaction of oxidation. Finally, we removed the gel and asked the patient to rinse thoroughly. We then proceeded with the establishment of the final shade, which was A1.

The patient was very happy with the result obtained in such a short amount of time and without any side-effects and at an affordable cost. He announced his intention to undergo BlancOne treatment at every routine session, demonstrating that whitening treatments can also be an effective marketing tool and an incentive to maintain oral health.

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