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Tooth whitening companies team up for charity

The "White Christmas for Crisis" drive aims to raise £15,000 for Crisis—the national charity for homeless people in the UK—through the donation of fees incurred from tooth whitening treatments. (Image: Enlighten)

Tue. 18 December 2018


LONDON, UK: Several of the UK’s largest tooth whitening companies have come together for the holiday season in support of a campaign titled, “White Christmas for Crisis”. The drive’s goal is to raise £15,000 for Crisis—the national charity for homeless people—by asking dentists to donate the fees their practices generated from tooth whitening treatments during the month of December.

The campaign was initiated by Dr Payman Fatemi Langroudi, owner and managing director of Enlighten, and has so far received support from Philips Zoom DayWhite, Boutique Whitening, Optident, The Luke Barnett Centre, Nitewhite, Southern Dental Industries, Labline, Pola, and WhiteWash Laboratories, among others. As part of the campaign, these companies and dental labs will provide free teeth whitening kits and laboratory work for the drive, while a number of altruistic dental professionals have pledged to donate all of their proceedings from teeth whitening treatments during the month of December to the cause.

“As a profession, if we can donate fees from just 50 teeth whitening treatments, we can fund over 500 homeless people, to get the basics we all take for granted for a few days,” commented Langroudi. According to Crisis, it costs just over £28 to feed, bath and provide basic medical and dental care for a single homeless person over the festive period at one of the charity’s centres.

For dental practices interested in participating in this campaign, Langroudi recommends that they begin a White Christmas for Crisis promotion in the practice, contact their preferred tooth whitening company to obtain free gels or laboratory assistance and subsequently donate the proceedings from these tooth whitening treatments to the cause via its Just Giving page.

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