Solventum launches 3M Clarity aligners in the UK

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Solventum launches Clarity Aligners in the UK

The launch event was held at Frameless, an immersive art gallery and multisensory experience in London. (Image: Solventum)


Wed. 19 June 2024


LONDON, UK: Solventum, formerly 3M Health Care, recently launched 3M Clarity Aligners to the UK market. The launch event was held at Frameless, an immersive art gallery and multisensory experience in London. Guests learned about how Clarity Aligners allow dentists to create custom treatment designs to deliver beautiful smiles to patients and how they can reduce plastic waste. They were also introduced to a novel attachment solution developed exclusively for use with Clarity Aligners.

Clarity Aligners are a customised orthodontic system made of a proprietary multilayer co-polymer. They are produced in two thicknesses, 3M Clarity Aligners Flex and 3M Clarity Aligners Force. Recommended for rotation and proclination, 3M Clarity Aligner Flex provides the characteristics needed to engage well with teeth that are misaligned and has good force persistence. It may support patient compliance because it is easy to insert and remove. 3M Clarity Aligner Force is recommended for expansion, torque, sequential bodily movement and segmental intrusion.

An innovation backed by 75 years of experience of moving teeth and providing robust customer service, these aligners allow clinicians to create treatment plans that may combine fixed appliance treatment and aligner treatment according to the demands of the case, while also incorporating retention as needed. The company offers partial shipments, helping to reduce plastic waste of practices by shipping only the number of aligners that are needed at that time. In addition, the event previewed 3M Clarity Precision Grip Attachments, innovative 3D-printed and fully polymerised composite attachments that enable flashless bonding and durable performance throughout treatment.

“At Solventum, we draw on our heritage of innovation to continually advance the practice of oral care, improve patient outcomes and transform practices. We look forward to sharing more about how our innovative orthodontic solutions help practitioners around the world create beautiful healthy smiles that patients want,” said Karim Mansour, president of dental solutions at Solventum.

Today, more and more patients desire aligned teeth or resolution of diastemas, but are concerned about the disruption to their lives, their appearance during treatment and the cost of care. By contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of treatment and offering aesthetic options through its broad portfolio of both fixed and removable appliances, Solventum can improve the patient experience while helping orthodontists run a streamlined practice and increase patient volume.

More information about 3M Clarity Aligners Flex and Force can be found here.

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