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Building a solid foundation

(Image: Healthcare Learning)
Healthcare Learning

Healthcare Learning

Tue. 20 October 2015


LONDON, UK: The Healthcare Learning Schools Network has pioneered Biomedical Foundations through Clinical Cases (BFCC), giving students real-life clinical examples to help them learn the basic sciences. It provides reviews of basic sciences in relation to medical conditions with relevance to dentistry, offering students an essential context that will allow them to deepen their knowledge of these conditions and enhance their learning.

Understanding the science behind medical conditions can certainly be a challenge. In the classroom environment, getting to grips with the mechanisms of a multifaceted disease such as cancer, arthritis or schizophrenia can be quite tricky. The difficulty for students and teachers alike is applying context in order to understand the situation better.

To this end, the Healthcare Learning Schools Network has launched the BFCC series of integrated online modules designed to fill a current void in dental education. Acting as a supplement to students’ current education, BFCC provides crucial real-world examples to help students more fully comprehend what they are learning. It demonstrates science in action, in effect.

The Healthcare Learning Schools Network, through BFCC, allows students to take that next step in their learning. For all of us when trying to learn something complex and challenging, there is always that vital moment when all of the complex theoretical ideas suddenly make sense in our minds and we comprehend the mechanisms and what makes them work. BFCC makes that possible. It gives students the opportunity to discover the practical applications of what they are learning and acts as a crucial supplement to the complex learning required when pursuing a dental degree.

More information can be found at www.healthcare-learning.com.

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