DT News - UK - Brush DJ to be recognised at BSPD 2018

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Brush DJ to be recognised at BSPD 2018

Dr Ben Underwood is the creator of the toothbrushing app Brush DJ, which plays 2 minutes of music to encourage toothbrushing for an appropriate length of time. (Photograph: Ben Underwood)

Tue. 11 September 2018


DUNDEE, UK: The 2018 British Society of Paediatric Dentistry (BSPD) Annual Conference will see Dr Ben Underwood, the creator of the toothbrushing app Brush DJ, being presented with an Outstanding Innovation Award.

Brush DJ’s main feature is a timer that plays 2 minutes of music, chosen at random from the user’s smartphone or tablet or from a streaming service, to encourage the appropriate length of time for toothbrushing. The app also allows users to set reminders regarding brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and scheduling their next dental check-up.

The app is free and accessible to anyone with a smartphone or tablet, and it incorporates technology that makes it possible for blind and low-vision users, as well as those with dyslexia, to use it. Brush DJ has been downloaded over a third of a million times in 197 different countries, has been translated into 14 languages, and is currently the only dental app in the NHS Apps Library.

“The main aim of Brush DJ is to get children and adolescents carrying out the daily self-care tasks needed to reduce their risk of dental disease—with music as the hook to grab attention and motivate behaviour in the short and long-term,” said Underwood, a practising general dentist in Derbyshire in the UK. “I want to make toothbrushing less of a chore and more of an enjoyable way to spend 2 minutes at least twice a day!”

The prize for winning the BSPD Outstanding Innovation Award is the opportunity to speak at the BSPD conference. Underwood’s presentation is on Thursday, 13 September, and is titled “Brush DJ—From idea to innovation”.

“My plan for the presentation is to discuss how an idea goes from a thought in someone’s head to a product that helps people,” he said. “I want to help define what the term innovation actually means and briefly discuss the enablers and barriers to innovation. Of course, I’ll also discuss how I turned Brush DJ from an idea to an innovation and my plans for the app in the future.”

When asked what he was most excited about seeing at the BSPD 2018 conference, Underwood was honest: “I’m looking forward to all the presentations, but as with most conferences, it's catching up with friends and meeting new people that will be the highlight.”
