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Aesthetic rehabilitation: Webinar discusses indications, limitations and clinical procedures

Resin composites fulfil the aesthetic requirements of many young patients. (Photos: Didier Dietschi)

Wed. 25 September 2013


LEIPZIG, Germany: The improvement in the population’s oral health overall and the growing demand among patients for dental aesthetics and tissue preservation has rejuvenated free-hand bonding, making it a primary treatment option in the aesthetic zone. A webinar presented by the Dental Tribune Study Club on 2 October will give participants insights into the aesthetic solutions offered by modern resin composites and familiarise them with the associated clinical procedures.

Owing to the tremendous progress made in their optical properties and application techniques, the latest resin composites offer outstanding aesthetic results and biologically sound solutions to problems that previously could only be addressed with expensive and more-invasive ceramic restorations. In addition, resin composites fulfil the aesthetic requirements of many young patients through ultra-conservative, often no-prep, restorative and aesthetic solutions. Practically, their only remaining drawback is the practitioner’s experience and knowledge of their extensive aesthetic potential.

In the one-hour webinar, speaker Didier Dietschi, DMD, PhD, will cover treatment rationale and integration of minimally invasive composite techniques in a comprehensive approach to smile design and dental aesthetics. A detailed description of clinical procedures, accompanied by ample documentation, will provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Dietschi has published over 80 papers on the clinical and scientific aspects of adhesive and aesthetic restoration, and co-authored a book about adhesive metal-free restorations. Besides lecturing internationally, he maintains a private practice part time, specialising in restorative aesthetic dentistry, and perio-implant dentistry.

The webinar, titled “UItra-conservative smile and aesthetic rehabilitations: Indications, limits and clinical procedures”, is free of charge and will be broadcast online on Wednesday, 2 October, at 4 p.m. BST. Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic discussed.

Registration for the webinar is now open on the DT Study Club website, www.dtstudyclub.co.uk.

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