DT News - UK - With challenges to overcome, EuroPerio grows further

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With challenges to overcome, EuroPerio grows further

EuroPerio8 chair Prof. Francis Hughes (right) addressing members of the press on Thursday. (Photograph: Daniel Zimmermann, DTI)

Thu. 4 June 2015


LONDON, UK: With participation at EuroPerio8 as high as ever, the organisers of the meeting have admitted on Thursday that significant challenges remain in the field of periodontology, including the way the latest research and findings should be communicated to practitioners and patients.

In order to address the lack of awareness for periodontal diseases among the general population, the EFP launched a documentary on Wednesday at the meeting, called “Sound of Periodontitis”, which showed the impact of periodontal disease on patients in their own voices and from their own perspectives. Another significant project is the EFP Manifesto, an action paper calling on dental professionals to act on the prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment of periodontal disease. Professionals who are interested to sign the manifesto can still do so at the organisation’s website, EFP President Prof. Søren Jepsen said.

“There is a general agreement among the profession that periodontal diseases have a substantial psychosocial impact on patients,” Prof. Ian Needleman from the Eastman Dental Institute told reporters at a press conference yesterday. “However, their quality of life can be improved significantly when they receive treatment.”

As of Friday morning, it is clear that EuroPerio8 is going to be the biggest conference ever held in the field periodontology and implant dentistry in Europe. Chair, Prof. Francis Hughes, from the Kings College London said that by Tuesday the organisation had already received 9,400 pre-registrations with further onsite registrations expected to bring it close to 10,000 attendees. The geographical scope of the meeting has also been extended beyond the 29 members societies of the EFP with professionals from across 110 countries having signed up.

Scientific sessions and workshops will continue until tomorrow, when the organiser has announced to close the event with a congress evening to be held at the Royal Court of Justice in the City of London.

The next meeting is scheduled to take place in Amsterdam in the Netherlands in 2018 and will focus on the next generation of clinicians involved in periodontology.

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