DT News - UK - Near-infrared transillumination: Expert introduces X-ray-free caries diagnostic

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Near-infrared transillumination: Expert introduces X-ray-free caries diagnostic

Picture taken with a DIAGNOcam. (Image: KaVo)

Thu. 19 March 2015


LEIPZIG, Germany: Near-infrared transillumination will be the topic of a webinar presented by the Dental Tribune Study Club on 25 March. In the free online course, participants will learn about the diagnostic value of various caries diagnosis systems, their indication range and conclusions for treatment.

Visual examination is still the most important method for detecting carious lesions easily and quickly. Nevertheless, visual diagnosis has its weaknesses, especially in the approximal area. Therefore, additional aids are required, such as bitewings, which have become the gold standard in this field. More recently, near-infrared transillumination has become a new method for reliable and X-ray-free caries detection.

In the webinar, Dr Jan Kühnisch, a research fellow at the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Periodontology at the University of Munich, will report on the potential of the method, his own research results and previous clinical experiences with near-infrared transillumination. Furthermore, he will compare the method to established techniques and describe typical treatment strategies for different caries stages.

The one-hour webinar, titled “Early detection of carious lesions with X-rayfree near-infrared transillumination and appropriate treatment”, will be broadcast live online on 25 March from 2 p.m. BST. Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic discussed.

Registration for the webinar is now open on the DT Study Club website, www.dtstudyclub.com.

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