DT News - UK - Dental Tribune survey sees majority of British dentists rejecting Brexit

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Dental Tribune survey sees majority of British dentists rejecting Brexit

Britons have to decide on 23 June whether they want the UK to remain a member of the EU. (Photograph: Lucian Milasan/Shutterstock)

Thu. 7 April 2016


LONDON, UK: Were it up to dentists, the UK would remain a member of the European Union after the national referendum in June. According to an online survey conducted among Dental Tribune Online readers between February and March this year, a slight majority of dental professionals would vote for staying in the EU rather than leaving it.

After analysing the results of the poll, Dental Tribune found that more than 55 per cent of dentists who participated in the survey intended voting against Britain leaving the EU, while 44 per cent were in favour of a Brexit.

Less than 1 per cent were still undecided on the issue, but perceived an overall more negative future should Britain decide to split from the Union.

Similar responses were given by the participants when asked whether a Brexit would have positive or negative consequences for the country. A larger share of dentists, however, replied “I do not know” to this question.

The overall majority of respondents to the survey said they will definitely vote in the referendum. Only one in ten did not intend to participate in it.

The poll was conducted among 16,000 recipients of the Dental Tribune UK & Ireland weekly newsletter, with almost half of all replies from dentists in southern England, particularly London, which made up almost 20 per cent of the survey respondents. There was less participation by dentists from the northern regions, with slightly less than 30 per cent taking part in the poll. Only one in ten respondents were from the Midlands.

Dentists from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, who made up 12 per cent of the participants in the poll, were split, with almost the same number voting for the Brexit as voting against it.

Almost one-third of those who responded to the survey said they were in private practice, while one-quarter said they were employed in the National Health Service. Forty per cent worked in practices that offered both NHS and private dental care services.

Regarding the age of the respondents, more than half were between 30 and 50 years old, followed by a large group aged 50–60.

Britons have to decide on 23 June whether they want the UK to remain a member of the EU. Mirroring the results of the Dental Tribune survey, the latest national polls indicate that the slight majority of the population will vote to stay in the UK. However, 10 per cent of eligible voters have still not decided which way to vote. Prominent political and economic figures have argued that a decision to leave the EU will have widespread negative consequences for the UK.

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