DT News - UK - BDA calls on new government to fix dentistry system

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BDA calls on new government to fix dentistry system

PM David Cameron during a election debate. The Conservatives will have to stand up to their promises for a 'new dentistry contract', the BDA said. (Photograph: 1000Words/Shutterstock)

Tue. 12 May 2015


London, UK: The British Dental Association (BDA) has said that it will work with the new Conservative cabinet and members of parliament towards a better contract for dentistry in the UK. Remarking on last week’s general election results, Chief Executive Peter Ward pledged his organisation will continue to fight for better recognition of dentists and distribution of funding for the profession under the new government.

“Healthcare was a central battleground between all of the parties in this election and I am sure you will all be interested what share of the £8 billion, promised by the Conservatives to the NHS, will be spent on provision of dentistry,” Ward said during a special session last Friday at the British Dental Conference and Exhibition in Manchester.

Ward criticised that while all parties acknowledged the importance of dental care for the overall health system, little was actually mentioned in the party manifestos except for those of the Green Party and Plaid Cymru.

“Doctors, nurses and midwives do wonderful work, but so too do dentists across the UK. With a political agenda that seeks to tackle the challenges of diet, alcohol, sugar and tobacco, it is clear that dentists have a role to play in a government strategy of prevention and integration in healthcare,” he emphasised.

Ward said that the BDA will be reaching out to the government’s new health cabinet, as well as re-elected and new MPs, as soon as possible to follow up on critical issues, such as regulation.

“The small majority means that every MP will have a stronger position to influence Parliament, so engaging with them will be all the more useful.”

Last week saw the Conservative Party securing a small but absolute parliamentary majority owing to Labour losing most of its seats north of the border to the Scottish National Party. With over 65 per cent, the election produced the highest participation of voters since 1995.

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