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Four weeks until ROOTS SUMMIT 2022

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: The final countdown for ROOTS SUMMIT has begun. The congress will be held four weeks from today, offering one day of hands-on ...


ROOTS SUMMIT means “practical lectures, enough time for the topics, no need to skip anything”

The next edition of ROOTS SUMMIT is just around the corner. Among the many renowned and enthusiastic speakers will be Dr Daniel Černý, who has been the ...


ROOTS SUMMIT 2022—“I can’t wait to experience the best endo meeting again”

Dr Jenner Argueta from Guatemala will be a speaker at the upcoming ROOTS SUMMIT, which will be held from 26 to 29 May in Prague in the Czech Republic. ...


Interview: ROOTS SUMMIT “is not to be missed”

In about two months, ROOTS SUMMIT, one of the most exciting endodontic events of this year, will kick off in Prague in the Czech Republic. One of the ...


Vier Tage Endodontie – ROOTS SUMMIT setzt Erfolgsgeschichte in Prag fort

PRAG – Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie musste ROOTS SUMMIT im Jahr 2020 verschoben werden. Im letzten Jahr konnte die Veranstaltung als virtuelles Event ...


Čtyři dny endodoncie – ROOTS SUMMIT navazuje na svoji tradici v Praze

PRAHA, Česká republika: V roce 2020 byla konference zrušena kvůli pandemii COVID-19 a v roce 2021 se konala ve virtuální podobě. Nyní jsou ...


Four days of endodontics—ROOTS SUMMIT to continue legacy in Prague

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: The 2020 event had been postponed owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and was held as a virtual meeting in 2021. Now, the organisers of ...


New dates for ROOTS SUMMIT

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Given the global nature of the ROOTS community, the event organisers have been closely monitoring developments regarding COVID-19 ...


Interview: “I will always consider it my duty and pleasure to give back to ROOTS SUMMIT”

One of the most special things about ROOTS SUMMIT is the passion and commitment that not just the attendees but also the lecturers and organisers bring to ...


ROOTS SUMMIT announces hands-on course and lecture programme

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: ROOTS SUMMIT has selected high-quality lectures and hands-on courses to create another stellar programme for its 2020 edition. The ...


ROOTS SUMMIT calls for abstracts and poster presentations

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: The ROOTS SUMMIT provides not only a great lecture programme with some of the best endodontists in the world but also the perfect ...


ROOTS SUMMIT 2020: Otevřena možnost registrace

PRAHA, Česká republika: Online registrace na příští ROOTS SUMMIT, jediné celosvětové diskuzní fórum věnované endodoncii, je již otevřená. ...


ROOTS SUMMIT 2020: Registration is now open

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Online registration for the next ROOTS SUMMIT, the premier global discussion forum dedicated to endodontics, is now open. The event,...


ROOTS SUMMIT community meets at IDS

On Thursday, friends and members of the ROOTS SUMMIT community gathered at the 38th IDS in Cologne for coffee and croissants. The brunch provided an ...


What can we expect from ROOTS SUMMIT 2020?

“After ROOTS SUMMIT is before ROOTS SUMMIT” was one of the main sentiments expressed at ROOTS SUMMIT 2018. Ahead of the 2020 event, which will be taking...
